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I know that saying “goodbye” to you for good will take hard work, but I am doing exactly that. For more than ten years, I tried to break up with you. dear addiction letter But like a toxic ex, you’d creep back in reminding me that I couldn’t cope without you.
Binge Drinking Isn’t Lucky: Sobering St. Patrick’s Day Statistics 2024
Addiction wreaks havoc on your personal and professional life and eventually feels like it becomes a part of you. It maybe sounds strange, but one of the most difficult things for me to accept was leaving that part of my life behind. It felt like a part of me died when I got clean. But it’s also fine to admit that alcohol destroyed your life and was a thief of your time and energy. It pushed your family and friends away from you.
- I thought that my traumatic childhood experiences would disappear thanks to you.
- As I write this, it feels like I am placing blame on external factors.
- You made me think everything would be okay as long as you were there.
- This letter helps you affirm your worth and reclaim your time from the addiction that has taken over your entire life.
Step Four: Reasons for Saying Goodbye to Alcohol (Expose All the Lies)
- I started using drugs in high school and by the time I graduated college, I had used pretty much every…
- I didn’t trust anyone because I couldn’t trust myself.
- You constantly blocked me from doing any of the things I wanted to do.
- It sounds like a weird thing to complain about, but you never know where your mind will go when you are newly sober.
- That led to a massive binge where I used more drugs than ever over a week-long period.
I will seek the support of an addiction treatment center who cares about me. One case I recall involved a long-time friend who had hit rock bottom due to substance abuse. With our guidance, you will receive a customized care plan that addresses your substance abuse issues and any co-occurring disorders. You will likely qualify for an effective combination of individual, group, and family therapies. We take a holistic, evidence-based approach to help you heal once and for all. This time, your recovery can be long-lasting.
Mental Health Resources
Every single member of staff, from the moment I arrived at the moment I left, treated me with dignity and respect. I wasn’t treated like a drug addict that had made so many poor decisions. I was treated like a human who had a medical condition.
Waiting to pounce at any given moment…waiting to take hold of our sanity and our serenity, down to a visceral level, when we turn our backs for just one second. I will also apologize to those whom I have hurt because of how you influenced me. The relationship between you and I may be at an end, but it is not too late for me to rebuild my relationships with my family members and friends.
- Recognizing those failures wasn’t enough though, my denial ran much deeper.
- I realized that the only way I could be able to leave you would be if I hit rock bottom first.
- As someone who has seen him struggle, I believe his journey towards rehabilitation is both sincere and inspiring.
Why are you angry or hate alcohol or drugs now? Did it manipulate you or make you scared to speak up with yourself? Did it stop being good company and Sober living house become a liability? Be prepared to give clear reasons for your change of heart. Count the reasons in your head, then lay them out on paper.
In this letter, I underscore the profound impact Defendant Name has had on our community and his family despite the challenges he has faced. As someone who has seen him struggle, I believe his journey towards rehabilitation is both sincere and inspiring. I’ve known Defendant Name for over fifteen years, and our relationship spans both the highs and lows of life. Write a five- to six-sentence paragraph looking back at the good and bad times you had together. It’s okay to admit that you leaned on alcohol to deal with your emotions and for moral support when you began drinking. Don’t forget – you probably also had a fun time with other adults during this addiction.
- This includes issues I have in my personal and professional life.
- I was the one that took that first snort of cocaine.
- I realize when I first left you, I never properly said goodbye.
- You constantly blocked me from moving forward in my life and doing productive things.
Get Proven Programs to Support Recovery
This letter marks a final commitment to staying free of alcohol or drugs and shows how thankful one is for their newfound sobriety. There were plenty of times when I believed things were starting to look up. I was starting to crawl away from your evil clutches. It turns out that you are also vindictive, as you did everything in your power to pull me right back in.